Version 2017.007 (2/13/2017)
Changes and New Features
- Home Team on Teams List
- Your home team is now identified with a start on the teams list.
- Unlink Meet from National Data
- There is now a check box on National tab of the meet settings that will let you link or unlink the meet to the national data. Automatic linking proved to be a problem when a meet was against a club team that was not part of the national data.
- Video Flashed Display Settings
- No functional changes but the time selections on the display settings for the various screens were improved to make clearer how the time setting interacted with the overall screen display time.
Problems Corrected
- Web Page File Names
- If you entered a perfectly valid literal file name instead of using tokens, ScoreKeeper would report it as an invalid file name.
- Select Home Team
- On the Advanced tab of the Team Settings for a meet, a check box and drop-list were added to let you select your home team or clear the home team link if it is not your home team. This was made necessary due to a problem that was caused by a mid-season update in 2016.
Version 2017.006 (2/2/2017)
Changes and New Features
- Score Entry Screen
- A new button was added to the Score Entry screen in the main ScoreKeeper program. This button lets the user completely delete a gymnast’s score.
- ScoreKeeper Remote Video Flasher
- A toolbar button was added to display the video flasher screen and controller window.
- Video Flasher Last Screen
- When the last gymnast in the meet has competed, the display will display a graphic image if one is specified, regardless of whether the graphic image screen is selected for display. If no graphic image is specified, it will show the event name, even if the event name is not selected for display.
- Honor Roll
- The Honor Roll Web Page and Report now are for a single home team, not a collection of home teams.
- FTP Password
- The FTP password on the home team record now includes a second password field which is used to verify that a correct password was entered. Previously, a second screen was opened to enter a verification password.
- Support Information Screen
- The support information screen that you can get to from Help > About ScoreKeeper > Information, now has buttons to the right of the four special folders. These buttons will open the associated folders in Windows File Explorer.
Problems Corrected
- Meet Password
- The program was not saving the meet password when it was entered after the meet was added.
- Home Team Gymnasts
- The screen for updating the home team gymnasts was not saving all of the changes.
- ScoreKeeper Remote
- ScoreKeeper Remote was not saving the selected meet if the program crashed before being closed normally.
Version 2017.005 (1/12/2017)
Changes and New Features
- Judges
- ScoreKeeper now maintains separate lists of judges for men’s and women’s gymnastics. For each judge you can indicate with a check box whether they judge men’s and women’s gymnastics.
- Backup and Restore
- In order to make it easier to get data from a previous version of ScoreKeeper that is no longer in its license period, backup and restore buttons were added to the Support program on the License tab.
- Uploading to Road to Nationals
- Additional checks were added to validate that all national team and gymnast IDs are present before uploading. If any are missing, a warning message is issued allowing the user to ignore the problem or abort the upload.
Problems Corrected
- Uploading to Road to Nationals
- Men’s meets would upload to the wrong location on the site.
- ScoreKeeper Video Flasher
- The flasher display would not select the correct gymnast, would not advance to the next screen automatically, and would not show judge scores properly.
Known Issues
- ScoreKeeper Flasher
- If you enter a score while the Beaver Creek Software logo is being displayed, it will not show the judge scores. To get around it, display the event name or gymnast name prior to entering a score.
Version 2017.004 (12/19/2016)
Problems Corrected
- ScoreKeeper Video Flasher
- Issues were corrected that caused the video board controller buttons to not work correctly.
Version 2017.003 (12/14/2016)
Problems Corrected
- National Meet ID
- The national meet ID was not being saved when adding or changing a meet unless the meet password was entered.
Version 2017.002 (12/13/2016)
Problems Corrected
- Error on Team.tps
- ScoreKeeper did not recognize the file structure of the Team.tps file from some later releases of the 2016 version.
Version 2017.001 (12/1/2016)
Problems Corrected
- Download from RoadToNationals
- An error prevented downloading information from
Version 2017.000 (11/15/2016)
Changes and New Features
- Meet Upload
- The program can now upload meet results to
- Web Pages
- When generating a web page, the program will ask if you want to open the folder containing the web page file. The meet results web page offers this option only when generated via the menu, not when automatically generating the page.
- New Meet Wizard
- The new meet wizard now has a place to enter the meet password. PLEASE NOTE: if you are connecting your meets to the national data, you must enter the password before you can upload meet results.
- Meet XML
- You can now set the order in which teams appear in the XML file and on display scoreboards.